![[Ecuador]](ecuador.jpg) |
GPS confluencing in Ecuador
| This short collection of photos was taken during our GPS confluence visits in Ecuador. The best part of finding a random spot on the earth's surface is that you don't know what you'll find when (if) you get there. | |
![[Peru]](peru.jpg) |
Homeland of the Incas - Peru
| Our time in Peru was as diverse as its land and people. We piled all of our stuff onto a tricyclo and slowly pedaled each other over the cold altiplano to the friendly, rarely visited town of Palca. We wandered the high peaks around Coasa, visiting a confluence point at 13,700 feet. We became engaged at the remote Incan ruin of Inca Wasi. We wrote up a hike and confluence visit in the humid Amazonian town of Quillabamba. We hiked into Machu Picchu - but not on the normal "Inca trail." With a present from Andy's parents, we flew over the Nazca lines. And we visited the ruins of Chan chan, partially buried in the desert sands. The only way to tie all of these things together is to say we visited Peru. | |
![[Patagonia]](patagonia.jpg) |
Where the roads end - Hiking Patagonia
| Looking for something new, we left our bicycles behind and headed off with only backpacks to explore the paths of Patagonia. Finding an injured dog just outside of Bariloche, we spent a month with a family caring for the dog, later named Lucky. After giving him to a wonderful home, we made a non-road border crossing from Argentina into Chile. Inspired by the remote beauty of this method of travel, we searched out more paths where the roads ended. The hiking routes are detailed in this section for those wishing to explore these areas. | |
![[Cycle touring England, France and Spain]](europe.jpg) |
Two weddings and a cycle tour - England, France and Spain (plus Scotland and Wales by car)
| After Asia we flew to England for Andy's sister's wedding followed two days later by Andy's childhood friend's wedding. Before the weddings we explored England, Scotland and Wales with Jim (see South East Asia,) and hiked across the largest "wilderness" area in England - Dartmoor. After the weddings we cycled for two months through France and Spain taking in Paris, blue cheese, Coupe Icare (the world's largest and most flamboyant free-flight festival), Catalunya (a part of Spain including Barcelona with its own language), the empty and beautiful mountains of central Spain, Madrid and more olives than it is possible for two people to eat! | |
![[SE Asia cycle touring]](seasia.jpg) |
Cycle touring Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos - Adventures in a group of four and more
| Starting in Bangkok, my childhood friend (Yma), my flatmate from Santa Barbara (Jim), Andy and I cycled through Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam, where after three months together our travel mode changed. Jim returned to the US; Yma, charmed by Vietnam, remained another month. Andy and I cycled a dirt path into the heart of the poorest and most remote section of Laos, where strangers are seldom seen, especially on bicycles. Next we purchased a local 45ft boat and paddled down the Mekong River from Luang Prabang to friendly Ban Nasa - the last stop before a waterfall marked on our map. We finished with a brief cycle in southern Thailand before heading off to England. | |
![[Australia]](ozsm.gif) |
Cycle touring and WWOOFing Australia - The eastern half
| My new partner, Andy, and I cycled from Sydney to Cairns to Normanton. Starting up again in Alice Springs we continued cycling to Uluru, Adelaide, Melbourne, Canberra and eventually back to Sydney. Along the way we learned the ways of small businesses and farms in Australia through an organization called WWOOF Australia. We also learned the joys and trials of traveling by bike with another person. This is a phototour of all photographs from the trip. Or click here for a presentation with narrative text. | |
![[New Zealand Tramping]](nzcoming.jpg) |
Tramping New Zealand, North, South and Stewart Islands - Backcountry hut exploring
| The backcountry of New Zealand is a vast and rugged land, criss-crossed by tracks and dotted with old mining, settler and new huts maintained by the Department of Conservation (DoC) of the New Zealand government. I spent six months "tramping" between these huts and with people who took me in as one of their own. This section is a photographic collection from these beautiful six months, plus Andy's log of our Stewart Island hike. | |
![[Canada]](canada.jpg) |
Vancouver to Halifax, Canada - solo bicycle touring
| This is the story of my first solo trip by a natural means across a continent. I started in Vancouver, with no experience or training in cycle touring and learned everything I needed to know along the way. The most important lesson I learned was that all I need to achieve my goals is patience and persistence. | |
![[Venezuela]](venetour.jpg) |
Amazonas, Venezuela - photographic expedition for Blakexpeditions
Phototour of a scouting expedition via bongo (a sort of "opened" dugout canoe, the only practical vehicle for the log-strewn rivers of the Amazon basin) for Blakexpeditions. The presentation shown here was used to secure funding and publicity for their upcoming Amazon trip. Prepared with Marc Lonergan for Sir Peter Blake prior to their Amazon expedition. | |
![[Weekend and between trip photos]](weekend.jpg) |
Before, between and after the large trips 2000-2004
| The year 2000 saw me traveling as much as possible while also being an business executive. The photos were mostly taken on the California coast from Santa Barbara to San Francisco. The end of the year had trips to Minnesota's boundary water canoe area (BWCA), Madison Wisconsin, and Atlanta Georgia. 2001 starts in Santa Barbara, and then after Venezuela (see the Amazon phototour) I went to Boulder Colorado before heading across Canada (see Canada trip), and finally back to Santa Barbara for new years eve. 2002 is the beginning of the year with the SB New Year's Day fly-in's great fly-bys from the Hangs and more (See NZ and AUS for rest of 2002). 2004 saw us landing in Florida and driving to Seattle. | |